Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board Meeting Minutes for

March 4, 2020


  1. The monthly CLIA Board meeting was held at the Starbuck’s Coffee shop at 16227 Kenrick Ave, Lakeville, MN 55044 and was called to order at 7:19 p.m. by John Currie, Vice President. Those also attending the meeting were Dave Smith, Kathryn Wells, Jay Jenkins, Keith Kaestner and Colleen Nagle.


  1. Approval of the CLIA Board meeting minutes for the February, 2020, meeting was deferred until the April, 2020, meeting.


  1. Treasurer Report – Currie asked Mr. Smith to provide the Treasurer Report. Mr. Smith supplied a written report attached to these minutes as Exhibit A and briefly highlighted various items in that report. There was little additional discussion and Mr. Kaestner moved to approve the Treasurer Report. The Treasurer Report was unanimously approved.


Mr. Smith reported that he had met with Mr. Bahr regarding the CLIA’s electronic systems (website, Google drive / documents, etc.). The work done by Mr. Bahr in these areas has been fantastic and he should be commended for the effort expended to accomplish this goal. Website and Google drive / documents training details will be finalized at the next Board meeting.


Mr. Smith expressed concern that Crystal Lake residents appear not to be receiving the CLIA’s message of “lake improvement togetherness” and suggested that each Board member take responsibility for contacting ~20 residents. At the April, 2020, meeting, Mr. Smith will propose procedures for interaction with residents and move the Board to take this as an action item.  


  1. Communications Committee Report – Mr. Currie stated that he will follow-up with Mr. Bahr determine the communications required for this year’s annual meeting.


  1. Weed & Algae Committee Report – Currie asked Ms. Wells to provide a Weed & Algae Report. Ms. Wells supplied a written report attached to these minutes as Exhibit B. Ms. Wells reported that the Dakota County grant application will be submitted prior to the March 23rd deadline and that a draft “opt out” notice will be provided to the Communications Committee for review.


  1. Fish Management – Reporting deferred until April, 2020, meeting.


  1. Adjournment – Mr. Jenkins moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:05 p.m. The motion was unanimously approved.