Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board Meeting Minutes for July 10, 2019

1. The monthly CLIA Board meeting was held at Lakeville Bank and was called to order at 7:10 p.m.
by Greg Cardinal, President. Those attending the meeting were Dave Smith, Jay Jenkins, Colleen
Nagle, John Currie, Kathryn Wells, Rob Lambert, Kyle Bahr and Keith Kaestner.

2. The CLIA Board meeting minutes for the June, 2019, meeting were discussed. Dave Smith moved
to approve the minutes which were unanimously approved.

3. Keith Kaestner volunteered to serve as a CLIA Board member. The CLIA Board voted and
unanimously approved Mr. Kaestner as a member of the Board. Mr. Kaestner was appointed to
the Weed & Algae Committee.

4. Mr. Cardinal informed the Board that he had been informed by Burnsville officials that the city
will accomplish silt removal from Blue Bill Bay in the area of the storm water outlet / culvert. It
was also stated by the President that the Maple Island Culvert was cleaned out by the City of
Burnsville last year resolving any issues relating to that culvert.

5. Treasurer Report – Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Smith to provide the Treasurer Report. Mr. Smith
supplied a written report attached to these minutes as Exhibit A. Mr. Smith stated that two (2)
weed rebates had been received. There was little discussion and Mr. Bahr moved to approve the
Treasurer Report. The Treasurer Report was unanimously approved.

6. Communications Committee Report – This report consisted of a discussion about CLIA website
ads, tying the membership directory to the website, printing the membership directory and a
welcome brochure for new residents. Methods to keep these items current / up to date were
also deliberated. Mr. Smith suggested the Board track when lake properties are put up for sale
and when those properties are sold. No consensus was reached.

7. Member Relations Committee Report – Mr. Smith reported the results of the July 4, 2019,
parade and that attendance was similar to July 4, 2018. Jane Henderson offered to assist next

8. Weed & Algae Committee Report – Mrs. Wells supplied a written report attached to these
minutes as Exhibit B, along with two (2) maps, Exhibits C and D. Mrs. Wells discussed the items
on her report and highlighted (a) Zebra Mussel detectors and (b) Algae studies / abatement.
Mrs. Wells asked for an email “blast” to locate detectors in addition to the two (2) that are
known. General discussion about Algae studies / abatement disclosed that there is some
misunderstanding about algae versus weeds, what steps has Lake Management taken to abate
Algae so far this year and what can be done now to get better results from Lake Management’s
Algae treatments. At the conclusion of discussion, the President requested that Mrs. Wells
follow-up with Lake Management to get special treatment for all three (3) bays and the lake in
general. Mr. Bahr and Mrs. Wells will coordinate necessary communications for matters relating
to Zebra Mussel detectors and Algae studies / abatement.

9. Fish Management – Mr. Bahr stated that there is no activity until the autumn.

10. Additional Matters – Mrs. Nagle volunteered to lead and coordinate the Fall Pot Luck dinner
scheduled for September 22, 2019. Mr. Bahr stated that the shelter can be reserved by calling
the City of Burnsville.

11. Adjournment – Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:10 p.m. The motion
was unanimously approved.