Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board Meeting Minutes for December 4, 2019

1. The monthly CLIA Board meeting was held at Lakeville Bank and was called to order at 7:03 p.m.
by Greg Cardinal, President. Those attending the meeting were Dave Smith, Colleen Nagle,
Kathryn Wells, Jay Jenkins, Keith Kaestner and Kyle Bahr. (Rob Lambert attempted to join by
video conference, but due to technical difficulties was unable to effectively participate.)

2. The CLIA Board meeting minutes for the November 6, 2019, meeting were discussed. Mr. Smith
moved to approve the minutes which were unanimously approved.

3. Treasurer Report – Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Smith to provide the Treasurer Report. Mr. Smith
supplied a written report attached to these minutes as Exhibit A and stated that the financials
differ only in the Amount of $60 from last month. He further stated that the budget is at target.
There was little additional discussion and Mr. Jenkins moved to approve the Treasurer Report.
The Treasurer Report was unanimously approved.

4. Communications Committee Report – Mr. Cardinal reported that the “Adopt a Park” paperwork
was completed and placed on CLIA electronic database for reference when renewal occurs in
approximately three (3) years.

Mr. Smith presented a revised proposed form of 2020 Annual Dues notice. Following some lively
discussion it was determined that Mr. Smith would make some minor changes and forward the
document to Mr. Bahr. Mr. Bahr would format the document and ensure that the most recent
DNR permit information was used. The plan is to have final copies the 2020 Annual Dues notice
so that envelops can be “stuffed” at the January 2020 board meeting.

It was also determined that a “save the date” post card should be included with the 2020 Annual
Dues notice. The dates to be included in the post card are (1) Spring Cleanup; (2) CLIA Annual
Meeting; and (3) Fall Pot Luck Dinner. The dates will be established by Messrs. Cardinal, Smith
and Currie, over the next several weeks and after review of past Board Meeting minutes.
Because the January 2020 Board meeting fell on Wednesday January 1st (and to make envelop
“stuffing” more effective), Mr. Cardinal moved the meeting to January 8, 2020. The meeting will
be held at the residence of Mr. Smith.

Mr. Cardinal appointed Ms. Nagle database administrator for the upcoming year and requested
that she begin working with Mr. Bahr to ensure a smooth transition.

5. Weed & Algae Committee Report – Ms. Wells reminded the Board that Dakota Country has
scheduled a meeting to address Aquatic Invasive Species in Arden Hills, MN, on January 7, 2020
from 1:00 – 3:30 p.m. Ms. Wells and other members of the Weed and Algae Committee are
planning to attend. Members of the Weed and Algae Committee are also attempting to
schedule a meeting with the City of Burnsville to discuss the City’s lake weed study and CLIA’s
weed plan for 2020. Ms. Wells reminded the board that the CLIA’s focus is on Eurasian Water
Milfoil (EWM) (and not Curly Leaf Pond Weed – CLPW) and that we develop a treatment map for
EWM during the spring based on city lake weed study results. In the past the City of Burnsville
has hired J&N Weed Harvesting (J&N) to cut CLPW in the middle of the lake and lake residents
had the option to hire J&N to cut weeds along their shorelines. Residents that are impacted by
the study / treatment map can “opt out” of their own treatment plan. An “opt out” notice is
sent to residents in the spring.

Discussion about recent weed and algae treatment items erupted. Mr. Cardinal would like
timely “eblast” and website postings about various weed and algae treatment plans for all
residents. Mr. Bahr would like a push to get algae treatments earlier in the season.

6. Fish Management – Mr. Bahr showed a video of fish being delivered to Crystal Lake and noted
that the delivery was accomplished by tube directly from the delivery truck to the lake.

Mr. Cardinal stated that with this delivery our plan has been implemented and that we will wait
until observations are made in Spring 2020 to determine if an additional stocking will occur at
that time. Beyond that, the CLIA will wait for a DNR gill net test to determine future steps.

7. Adjournment – Mr. Jenkins moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:40 p.m. The
motion was unanimously approved.