Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board Meeting Minutes



Meeting Date/Time:     Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 7:00 pm


Meeting Location:        Colleen Nagle’s Backyard


Meeting Attendees:      Kathryn (Kate) Wells (President)

                                    David (Dave) Smith (Treasurer)

                                    Keith Kaestner (Member)

                                    Jay Jenkins (Vice President)

                                    Cheryl Leitschuh (Member)

                                    Brian Carlson (Member)

                                    Jeannine Currie (Member)

                                    Colleen Nagle (Member)

                                    Jim Ford (Secretary)


Meeting Minutes


  1. The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm by Kate. The motion was unanimously approved.
  2. Secretary’s Review of Prior Meeting Minutes
    1. Jim reviewed the Prior Meeting Minutes.
    2. Keith made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from the July 15, 2020 CLIA Board Meeting. The motion was unanimously approved.
  3. Treasurer’s Report
    1. Dave reviewed the Treasurer’s Report.
      1. There were 17 new weed rebates since the last meeting.
      2. Jim sent in form to update the President and Treasurer names on the CLIA account with Lakeview Bank.
  • Jay made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report. The motion was unanimously approved.


  1. Board of Directors Insurance Policy
    1. Dave reviewed the insurance policy.
      1. Policy cost is $475 per year.
    2. Kate suggested that the Governance Committee review the insurance policy this Fall and then present to the board at the November, 2020 CLIA Board Meeting. This suggestion was unanimously approved.
  2. Board By-laws
    1. At the previous CLIA Board Meeting, Dave suggested that everyone review the CLIA By-laws.
    2. Kate talked about a few themes from the by-laws to keep in mind as board members.
      1. Lake Stewardship
      2. Environmental
  • Cultural
  1. Jay added that maintaining the value of the investment that all Crystal Lake homeowners have made should also be a top priority.
  1. Ward Feedback
    1. Dave reviewed and handed out updated Ward member documents for each of the board members.
      1. Forward updated contact information to Dave.
      2. Share feedback from ward members to the board if you feel it is valuable to the group as a whole.
    2. Kate suggested that we table the Ward Feedback discussion until the September, 2020 board meeting.
  2. Member Feedback (No Wake, Driving Counter Clockwise, Boating Volume, and Parking Violations)
    1. Jay is waiting to meet with the city and sheriff. He will make an appointment in late August or early September to talk with them.
    2. Cheryl noted that Dakota County has a representative at the boat launch, checking boats for invasive species and handing out lake maps on Saturdays and Sundays from Memorial Day through Labor Day.
    3. Board members agreed that the rule violations have lessened since the 4th of July weekend.
  3. Burnsville City Council Meeting Followup
    1. Kate and Cheryl noted that there was not an update on the Burnsville City Council Meeting where the topic of reducing fines on Crystal Lake was introduced.
  4. Increased Weeds Washing Up on East shore.
    1. Kate suggested that we table this discussion until the September, 2020 board meeting.


  1. Communications Committee Update
    1. IT Security Update
      1. Brian gave an IT security update.
        1. Sharing a Google Doc with the board is secure.
        2. Giving all board members access to a folder with sensitive data needs to be reviewed. We need to review who requires access to specific folders.
        3. Brian suggested that we add a WordPress Cookie Notice plug-in. The board unanimously agreed for Brian and Cheryl to implement the plug-in.
        4. As a result of our CLIA website not having a SSL Certificate, users see a “not secure” message in the navigation bar when accessing our website. As a result, some users will navigate away from our website. Brian recommended that we purchase a SSL Certificate. Brian will research and update the board on the price of a SSL Certificate at the September, 2020 Board Meeting. The other impact of not having a SSL Certificate is that the Admin login is not encrypted.
      2. For Sale Section in Monthly Newsletter
        1. It was decided that there would be no For Sale items in the August, 2020 Newsletter.
        2. Cheryl will come up with a proposal on what For Sale items (e.g. Lake Equipment only) can be added to future newsletters.
  • Jay will provide liability language to be added for the For Sale items in future newsletters.
  1. Newsletter
    1. The August, 2020 Newsletter will include the following.
      1. Crystal Lake August 15 Clean Up day.
      2. Algae Treatment Update
      3. Dakota County Aquatic Invasive Species Inspectors
      4. Weed Rebate Program
      5. Member Directory Updates
    2. Algae, Weeds & Aquatic Invasive Plants Committee
      1. Keith provided an update.
        1. 25 acres of algae treatment were applied in June.
        2. You can’t have too many treatments or it reduces the effectiveness.
  • Keith encouraged board members to reach out to their ward members to get their feedback on potential algae issues.
  1. The general feeling among board members is that the amount of algae is less this year than last year.
  1. Kate noted that the CLIA decided not to treat the Eurasian watermilfoil (EWM) on Crystal Lake this year and so we won’t be utilizing the AIS grand funds that we were awarded.


  1. Fish & Aquatic Invasive Animals Committee Update
    1. Jay and Jim will get together to discuss the upcoming tasks.
      1. Contact fisheries.
      2. Make a decision on if, what, and when we will stock.
  • Work with the fisheries to stock, if applicable.
  1. Social Committee (Colleen & Jeannine)
    1. CLIA Directory
      1. Beth Breeden will provide an estimate on the work required to update the directory by the end of August.
        1. 4 years ago, There were 7 ads in the directory, which costs $250 each.
        2. The estimated fees to produce the directory is $1.66 per each.
      2. Jeannine developed a Member Information Form that will be attached to the newsletter asking people to fill it out and send to Dave Smith.
    2. The next Crystal Lake Clean Up date is Saturday, August 15 from 9 to 11 am. Details will be included in the next newsletter. There will be an additional Clean Up and Picnic day on Sunday, September 27 from 9 to 11 am, which will include bottled water, granola bars, garbage bags, and disposable gloves.
  2. Next meetings
    1. Wed, Sept 2 at 7pm
      1. Keith Kaestner’s backyard
    2. Wed, Oct 7 at 7pm
      1. Plan to move to video conferences for the remainder of the 2020-2021 term
      2. Cheryl to provide Zoom conference line details
    3. Dave motioned to adjourn at 8:45 pm. The motion was unanimously approved.