CLIA Meeting Notes

Date: 4/3/19

Present at meeting:

Greg Cardinal, Michael Hughes, Dave Smith, Kathryn Wells, Chris Peterson, and Rob Lambert

Call to order: Motion to call to order – Chris – 7:06pm

Review of last meetings minutes: Motion to approve, Chris, Second, Dave. Approved.

Committee Updates:

Treasurer report: Collected to date, 108 permits collected with 108 dues paid. Motion to approve by Michael, second by Rob. Approved.

Governance, Finance, and Compliance:

Communications: Annual meeting will take place in May. Email will be sent out by Kyle to the CLIA membership.

Algae and Weed Management: ASA grant was approved for invasive weed species treatment. Now waiting on approval by DNR. Discussed City of Burnsville no longer carrying the permit for cutting weeds. The maximum amount of area that can be cleared without a permit is 2500sf. Board discussed and decided not to take action on a collective lake permit for weed harvesting.

Fish Management: Fisheries experienced large fish loss due to freeze over the winter. It is unclear what quantity and species of fish will be available for stocking this spring. No indication yet on the results of last years stocking. Board members will be observing number and type of fish kill washing ashore after ice-out.

New Business: Motion by Dave, second Chris: Move to set annual CLIA activities as follows: Dues and permits are mailed to membership at first board meeting each January, spring clean-up on first Saturday of May, boat parade takes place on 4 th of July, and fall picnic on last Sunday in September. Approved.

Motion to adjourn: Motion by Chris, Second by Michael. Motion adjourned, 8:23pm