Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board of Directors Meeting

October 4, 2017


Call to Order

The meeting was held at Rick Bowles’ house on Wednesday, October 4, 2017, and called to order by Rick Bowles at 7:15 pm.

Board Members in Attendance

Rick Bowles, Beth Breeden, Mike Hughes, Chris Peterson, Kyle Bahr, Jon Vinovich, John Currie, Greg Cardinal and Pat Leitschuh

September Minutes

The September meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made to approve by Mike, seconded by John and unanimously approved.

Business Meeting

  • Finance Report: Greg handed out a Treasurer’s report for September. Our beginning bank balance as of 9/30/17 was $57,881.14. After checks written of $487.62 and interest earned of $18.79, our current balance is $57,497.14. A motion was made by Rick to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Mike and unanimously approved.
  • Communications/Website 1) Kyle provided an introduction to a proposed CLIA website that will enhance usability by both board members and the residents. Kyle will partner with Beth and John and present a final layout to the board at the November meeting. Content for website will need to be developed and edited by all. Plans are to launch new website in January 2018. 2) A recommendation was made to send out emails to residents in the month of October. One email will include information on a 12/1 submission deadline for any outstanding weed control rebates from 2017, survey results on changing the start time for waterskiing and proposed next steps by the city of Burnsville. The second email will speak to Zebra Mussels; topics will include presence in area lakes, monitoring of docks and lifts as they are pulled from the lake this fall, identification and action steps if found and availability of ZM sampler plates for residents. 3) Chris also proposed a 3rd email be sent providing advance notice of the 2018 spring annual meeting. Chris will follow up on available locations for the meeting and provide feedback on proposed location, date and time prior to our November meeting.
  • Survey Results 1) Mike forwarded resident survey results on change in waterskiing start times to Daryl Jacobson. Preliminary plans are for city to hold public hearing in November. Unclear if discussion will be to change only WS or all motorized watercraft start times. Board will share more information with residents as it becomes available.2) Discussion on accuracy of survey results due to multiple people in a household voting. Board will make recommendation on how to handle prior to next survey being sent.
  • AIS Grant: 1) Mike applied for an AIS grant to treat EWF in 2018. Mike will receive word on approval by mid-October. 2) Mike shared feedback from Dakota County Environmental Resources on the idea of a decontamination station to support regional lakes. DCER also shared an AIS brochure and contour lake map they produce for Lake Byllesby and inquired if we would be interested in a similar brochure for Crystal Lake. Everyone liked the idea and Mike is going to follow up with Mike Behan form Dakota County for more information.
  • Fish Management: Kyle sent an introductory email to DNR Fisheries inquiring about fish management and stocking options for Crystal Lake going forward. Kyle will follow up with a phone call and potentially set up a meeting with the DNR if beneficial. Chris also mentioned that he has a contact with the DNR. Recommended that Chris contact him to obtain additional information that may benefit us in pursuing this endeavor.



The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mike, seconded by Greg, unanimously approved and adjourned at 8:30 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Pat Leitschuh
