Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board of Directors Meeting

July 5, 2017


Call to Order

The meeting was held on John Currie’s boat on Wednesday, July 5, 2017, at 7:00 pm and was called to order by Rick Bowles.

Board Members in Attendance

Rick Bowles, Beth Breeden, Mike Hughes, Chris Peterson, Kyle Bahr, John Currie and Pat Leitschuh

June Minutes

The updated June meeting minutes were reviewed.  A motion was made to approve by Mike, seconded by John and unanimously approved.

Business Meeting

  • Finance Report: Rick shared a finance report that Greg had prepared prior to the meeting.   Our beginning bank balance as of 6/1/17 was $61,506.17. After checks of $1106.82 and interest earned of $20.05, our current balance is $60,319.40.
  • Lakeshore Update: The board toured the lake by boat to review the overall effectiveness of both the weed and algae treatments to date by all vendors. In most areas, the lake looks better than past years. Majority of board approved of hiring LMI as a vendor for algae treatment. One area that stood out as looking poor was the vacant lot next to Greg and Lisa’s home. Suggestion was made for the board to look at contacting lot owner to see if they would allow the CLIA to treat shoreline to improve overall appearance of shoreline for residents, particularly adjacent neighbors.

Question was asked about timing of 2nd residential weed treatment and possible algae treatment. Timing TBD based on new growth. LMI will be monitoring the lake and Pat asked board members to forward feedback if they see conditions worsening.

    • July 4th Social: Beth provided a recap of the activities at Crystal Lake West Park. 9 tubs of ice cream, 11 bottles of soda and 120 cups were dispensed, just running out at the end of the event. 3 prizes were handed out for best decorated boats. Beth suggested that the board look at a new format for next year’s event, possibly following Prior Lake’s lead of distributing ice cream bars from a boat in the middle of the lake.
    • AIS Grant Contract: The contract submitted by Dakota County for the grant initially included coverage requirements for workmen’s comp and auto; initial insurance quote was $2,000. Jon, Rick and Mike reviewed and re-wrote the contract to eliminate these requirements and Rick has received a new quote of $500 from Chris’ contact for a 1 mil occurrence, 2 mil maximum. A motion was made by Rick, seconded by Mike and unanimously approved to move forward on securing this policy.
    • Eurasian Water Milfoil Treatment: Mike has not received an update from either Daryl or Steve on the EWF lake survey scheduled for July. Mike will follow up.
  • Fish Survey: Mike shared that the Black Dog Watershed District is conducting a fish survey on Crystal Lake and will be forwarding the results once available. As a follow up to the discussion, Pat contacted the DNR as they have not conducted a comprehensive fish survey since 2011. DNR responded that they will be conducting a survey in July; timing of results is unknown. Once surveys are available, Kyle and Pat will be reaching out to DNR Fisheries to discuss stocking options going forward.
  • Communication with Residents: A variety of topics were reviewed as the board discussed how we want to communicate with lake residents moving forward. Some of the ideas included adding CLIA website links to emails, creating banners for various topics, upgrading technology, including allowing board members to post directly to the website. This topic will be added to the August agenda for further discussion and next steps. In addition, discussion occurred regarding paying a contractor to make all upgrades to the website s at one time or upgrade over time using board resources. A motion was made by Rick, seconded by Mike and unanimously approved to upgrade over time.  



The motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mike, seconded by Rick, unanimously approved and adjourned at 8:45 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Pat Leitschuh
