CLIA Meeting Notes

Date: 02/06/2019

Present at meeting:
Greg Cardinal, Michael Hughes, Dave Smith, Kyle Bahr, Kathryn Wells, Chris Peterson, and Rob Lambert

Call to order: Called to order by Greg at 7:05pm

Review of last meetings minutes: Motion to approve by Chris, second by Kate. Approved.

Committee Updates:

Treasure/Finance: Of the 182 residences on the lake, 131 are active members for 2018. Motion to
approve Treasurer Report by Mike, second by Dave. Approved.

Governance, Finance, and Compliance: No Update

Communications: Discussed updating CLIA lake residence directory. At the next board meeting, board
members will prepare annual membership mailing to all lake residence.

Algae and Weed Management: Eurasian Water Milfoil grant application has been sent to Dakota County
for their review. The board will be notified if the grant has been approved by mid-March. Discussed
option, dependent on approval of grant, to treat Eurasian Water Milfoil in targeted areas of lake with
Diquat and other targeted areas with ProcellaCor. Effectiveness of ProcellaCOR would be measured
against Diquat.

Fish Management: No update.

New Business: None.

Motion to adjourn: Motion by Mike, Seconded by Rob. Adjourned at 8:33pm.