Crystal Lake Improvement Association (CLIA)

Board Meeting Minutes for August 8, 2019

1. The monthly CLIA Board meeting was held at Lakeville Bank and was called to order at 7:07 p.m.
by Greg Cardinal, President. Those attending the meeting were Dave Smith, Jay Jenkins, Colleen
Nagle, John Currie, Kathryn Wells, and Kyle Bahr.

2. The CLIA Board meeting minutes for the July 7, 2019, meeting were discussed. Dave Smith
moved to approve the minutes which were unanimously approved.

3. Mr. Cardinal informed the Board that silt removal from Blue Bill Bay in the area of the storm
water outlet will be accomplished during October 2019. John Currie was castigated for failing to
pay CLIA dues. John agreed to rectify his failure.

4. Treasurer Report – Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Smith to provide the Treasurer Report. Mr. Smith
supplied a written report attached to these minutes as Exhibit A. Mr. Smith stated that he has
received a flurry of new weed rebates (7 or 8). Mr. Cardinal asked Mr. Smith whether all had
paid their CLIA dues. Mr. Smith responded that not all had paid dues, but he had queried those
who have not paid. Ms. Wells asked if an invoice from Lake Management had been received and
was informed that as yet none had been received. There was little additional discussion and Mr.
Currie moved to approve the Treasurer Report. The Treasurer Report was unanimously

5. Mr. Cardinal stated that he was satisfied with the progress of the CLIA’s electronic file archival

6. Communications Committee Report – Mr. Bahr reported that several “e-blasts” regarding zebra
mussels and algae treatments were sent out during the preceding month. His report further
stated that CLIA website ads will be placed on the “back burner” until next year, but the
technical work is complete to permit ads on the website. Lake home and lake properties for sale
listings have been posted to CLIA Board members, but no final method for such reports has
been determined.

7. Weed & Algae Committee Report – Ms. Wells supplied a written report attached to these
minutes as Exhibit B, along with one (1) map, Exhibit C. Ms. Wells discussed the items on her
report and highlighted (a) Zebra Mussel detectors and (b) Algae studies / abatement. Ms. Wells
thanked the Communications Committee for an email “blast” to locate detectors. Three (3)
detectors were looked at and came back negative for Zebra Mussels. Ms. Wells reminded the
Board about a guest speaker at the September, 2019, Board meeting and to prepare questions
for the speaker.

Mr. Cardinal inquired about the Blue Bill Bay algae treatment. That inquiry resulted in a lively
discussion and several as yet unresolved questions. A tangential issue that arose during the
discussion was “out of bounds” complainers. Mr. Cardinal directed that all “out of bounds”
complainers be referred to him for a response.

The discussion also led questions about whether an additional algae treatment(s) would be
permitted, beneficial and effective. Ms. Wells stated she would contact Lake Management
about additional algae treatments. To this end, Mr. Bahr moved to authorized funding for an
additional algae treatment capped at $2000. The motion was unanimously approved. [Funding
for this activity was increased by vote of the Board later in the month of August 2019, following
determination of the benefit and actual cost.]

Ms. Wells discussed the plan for Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM). Because it is so late in the year,
the focus will be on a plan for the year 2020. Ms. Wells has a grant application and will make
application for 2020.

Ms. Wells stated she is beginning to compile a paper on weeds, algae, EWM, mussels and other
lake weed related matters, that can be further developed into a comprehensive resource page
to be added to the CLIA website.

8. Fish Management – Mr. Bahr stated that emails have been sent to fisheries, but it is too early
for any responses.

9. Additional Matters – Mrs. Nagle reported that the Fall Pot Luck Dinner is scheduled for 3 – 7
p.m. September 22, 2019, at Crystal Lake Beach Park and both pavilions have been reserved.

10. Adjournment – Mr. Smith moved to adjourn the meeting at approximately 8:31 p.m. The motion
was unanimously approved.